More than 60 years ago, Lindex began as an underwear company in Alingsas, Sweden. Today we are an international fashion company with several different concepts. Our range has an excellent combination of good cuts and quality at affordable prices, and we want to make it easier for our customers to make sustainable choices.
Our heritage
We are proud of our Swedish heritage, which is reflected in quality, design, sustainability, and valuing equality. Our years of experience and history as an underwear company have given us knowledge of the female body and expertise in matching comfort. A woman is everything to us and we want to empower and inspire women everywhere. That is our higher goal.
We are Lindex, we believe in working together. Because two are more than one, together we can make more of an impact. We can call it our success factor.
We exist to empower and inspire women everywhere. Everything we do, everything we say, we do for her. It really defines who we are and gives us that higher purpose. In stores, on the screen, when we react and say what we think. We believe that we all have the power to empower.
We have great supporters along the way. We are like a big family here. And like any other family, they motivate you to take the next step. And the next one.
Because in the fashion industry you can't sit still. And we like to lead the way. We know big words. But we grow from big words.
We are a growing brand that makes a difference. And we really think we can make things better. For women, for children, for the future. Therefore, we will never stop on our way to becoming even more sustainable. That's our promise. Today, tomorrow, forever.
We are LINDEX. We do things together.
Our values
Kao tim, trudimo se da iskustvo kupca bude izvanredno, uvek sa strašću i posvećenošću. I mi smatramo da dobre vrednosti čine sve drugačijim. Ovo su one sa kojima živimo:
*Osnažiti sebe i jedni druge
*Tražiti konstantan napredak
*Donositi poslovno orijentisane odluke
*Delovati održivo
*Učiniti sve jednostavnim
Asortiman za žene
Želimo da ponudimo pouzdan skandinavski dizajn koji inspiriše i čini da se naši kupci osećaju sjajno. Slavimo žene svih oblika i veličina, a naši jednostavani krojevi definisani su modernom ženstvenošću, jednostavnošću i jasnoćom. Sa našim asortimanom za žene možemo da pomognemo kupcu da napuni orman sa odećom koju zaista voli, koju dobro održava i često koristi.
Asortiman za decu
U Lindex-u verujemo da je važno omogućiti deci da budu deca, što i unosimo u dizajn odeće za naše mališane. Naš način razmišljanja je da uvek gledamo na svet razigranim, znatiželjnim i kreativnim očima. Radi se o slobodi da se izraziš na bilo koji način koji osećaš ispravnim i da budeš svoj, bez obzira na sve.
Donje rublje
Svojim nasleđem i dugogodišnjim iskustvom, mi smo stručnjaci za donji veš sa dobrim znanjem o ženskom telu. Naš asortiman donjeg veša je napravljen da pomogne svakoj mušteriji da pronađe onaj model koji joj savršeno odgovara.
Kratke činjenice o Lindex-u:
- Osnovan 1954. godine u Alingsasu, Švedska
- Sedište u Geteborgu, Švedska
- Deo Stockmann grupe
- Oko 4000 zaposlenih
- 507 miliona prometa u 2020. godini
- Oko 450 prodavnica na 19 tržišta
- 99% Lindex pamuka dolazi iz održivijih izvora
- 68% Lindex asortimana izrađeno je od održivih materijala